sábado, 22 de diciembre de 2012

New York, 1940s

New York, 1940s
Chris Wild
A block between Avenues A and B (1942)
A corner on west Canal St. (1942)
Chinese store windows, New York (1942)
Collecting the salvage on Lower East Side (1942)
Corner of Pearl St. (1942)
Crowd gathers during Salvage collection in Lower East Side (1942)
East 7th St between 3rd & 2nd St. (1942)
Looking up a street of many races, lower Manhattan (1942)
Looking up Fulton St. from South St (1941)
Lower First Avenue (1942)
Northeast corner of 1st St. and Bowery (1942)
Old lady reads Sunday paper, Lower East Side (1942)
Poverty, young and old, black and white (1942)
Residents of lower Clinton St near East river, Saturday afternoon (1941)
South Street teems with trucks along East River, New York City (1941)
Southeast corner of 1st St. and Bowery (1942)
Store fronts below brick tenement (1942)
Stores near corner of Broome St. and Baruch Place, Lower East Side (1941)
Sunday afternoon gossip (1942)
The old Fulton Market, Manhattan's Lower East Side, Saturday afternoon (1941)
Up 4th Ave from Astor Place, Cooper Union on the right (1942)
Hot sweet potatoes cart (1942)
Italian bake shop below Canal St. 58 Mulberry St. New York (1942)
Lower Manhattan (1942)
Street in New York's Chinatown (1942)

Mi foto
Bilbao, Euskadi

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