jueves, 13 de abril de 2017

Espero que de una vez por todas quede aclarado.

        CODE            |         PIXELS          |    NOTES
   no. | value | length | this code | accumulated |    Relations using N¡ apply only to same-
   N¡  | N¡+256| (bits) |    N¡     | N¡(N¡+1)/2  |<-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------="" -----------------------------------------------------="" ----------------="" -------="" 0:="" 10-bit="" 100h="" 101h="" 102h="" 103h="" 10="" 11-bit="" 11="" 12="2559-1/3" 1791:="" 1791="" 1792:="" 1792="" 1:="" 1="" 1ffh="" 200h="" 255:="" 255="" 256-color="" 256:="" 256="" 294="" 295="" 296="" 2:="" 2="" 32="" 370="" 3839:="" 3839="" 3:="" 3="" 3ffh="" 400h="" 528="" 604="" 606="" 640="" 6="" 736="" 767:="" 767="" 768:="" 768="" 7="" 7ffh="" 800h="" 880="" 896="" 8="" 9-bit="" 9="" :="" _____________________________________________________________________________="" ________________________________________________________________________________________________="" a="" approaches="" as="" asymtotically="" chosen="" clear="" code="" coding="" color="" compression="" data="" end="" fffh="" ffh="" for="" full.="" full="" highest="" image="" index="" is="" last="" left="" maximum="" may="" more="" of="" overall="" palette="" pixel="" pixels.="" pixels="" pre="" repeat="" same-color="" table="" the="" top="" until="" x="">
byte#  hexadecimal  text or (hex)               value      Meaning
0:     47 49 46
       38 39 61     GIF89a     Header
                               Logical Screen Descriptor
6:     90 01        400         - width pixels
8:     90 01        400         - height pixels
A:     F7                       - GCT follows for 256 colors with resolution 3 x 8bits/primary
B:     00           0           - background color #0
C:     00                       - default aspect ratio
D:                             Global Color Table
30D:   21 FF 0B                Application Extension
310:   4E 45 54
       53 43 41
       50 45 32
       2E 30        NETSCAPE2.0
31B:   03 01                    - data follows
31D:   FF FF                    - loop animation
31F:   00                       - end
320:   21 F9 04                Graphic Control Extension frame #1
323:   08                       - no transparency
324:   09 00                    - 0.09 sec duration
325:   00                       - no transparent color
327:   00                       - end
328:   2C                      Image Descriptor
329:   00 00 00 00  (0,0)       - scan pixels from left top...
32D:   90 01 90 01  (400,400)   - ...to right bottom
331:   00                       - end
332:   08           8          LZW min code size
333:   FF           255        255 bytes LZW encoded image data follow
334:                data
433:   FF           255        255 bytes LZW encoded image data follow
92BA:  00                      end
92BB:  21 F9 04                Graphic Control Extension frame #2
 :                                                              :
153B7B:21 F9 04                Graphic Control Extension frame #44
15CF35:3B           1 429 301  File terminates

2 comentarios :

  1. Ja ja ja ja!!!
    Ahora sí... ahora entiendo...
    Abrazos de nuevo gaditanos.

  2. Carmen F. Bernal , alegría de leerte, bienvenida.
    Ahora está claro ¿no?


Gracias por venir

Mi foto
Bilbao, Euskadi